Friday, November 2, 2012

A Channeled Message about Youthing.

             This is a message I received at Pura Kehen temple in Bali in August 2012. Pura Kehen, the state temple of the Bangli kingdom, is one of the finest temples in eastern Bali.  It is a miniature version of Pura Besakih, the Mother Temple of the whole island.
         Youthing is a way of energizing the cells to release toxins and regenerate energy to enable the cells to perform extraordinary functions. They are able to continue to maintain their own functions, while their "engines" accelerate.  This can happen more easily at a place of Earthly potency and at an axis of energetic patterns, which is an acupuncture point in the Earth.    

            Holy water contains energy that can accelerate youthing by stimulating the cells to produce more energy. Blessings and ceremonies can stimulate youthing by opening the energy field so that the cells can produce more and take in more energy. The game, "Avalon, Temple of Connection" will facilitate this process, as will chanting the mantra, "Ou Na He Na He Ho". (You can experience the chants by downloading my CD, Akasha Chants on iTunes or on Amazon mp3).

            Access to this additional energy flow will happen instantly in one moment to jumpstart the process. This can happen at a moment we step forward into full self-expression. We will know exactly the moment when we feel at one with all and lifted into a place of reverence and awe of the Divine.

               We can continue this opening and expansion of cellular activity by taking in holy volcanic water and bathing every morning with this water flowing over our heads, beginning at the top,  letting the water flow down from this point.

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